Sunday, October 21, 2012

World Human Population

Video Summary
This video describes the world human population from past, present, and future.  It starts out with a description of our world.  It talks about our resources, and how limited they are.  Details such as living space, space where humans actually do live, and space where crops can be grown.  The video then sets up a chart representing human population growth from year 0 until 2012, and then projects into 2030.  As the video goes through this timeline, it has dots set up on the world map as populations increase.  Through the timeline, pictures along the bottom appear to tell what time period the video is in, or what major event happened during that time.  It concludes with a message to live our lives with care for out environment and space.  
Relevance to Class
During our first unit about ecosystems, we learned about how environment can only support so much life.  We learned about terms such as "carrying capacity", or the amount of life an ecosystem can support.  This video opens with that concept, saying that humans only have so much space and resources on Earth, and that they are limited.  We learned about population growth, and how that effects an ecosystem.  We actually had class discussions on the topic of human population growth.  This video explains the actual growth in more detail, with the map, which is the bulk of the video.  It also outlines the future of our population, and how we need to sustain our resources. 



  1. Video URL:

    Publisher on YouTube: populationconnection

    Date of publication: June 11, 2009

  2. What specifically can we do to avoid the penalties of overpopulation?

  3. Lucky for us, there are plenty of options. There are plenty of government policies, such as tax breaks for smaller families, that encourage a slower growth rate. We can also use birth control methods such as abortion, but those tend be pretty controversial.

  4. About how many people were supposedly killed by the Black Plague?

  5. All in all, it decimated the world population by 450 million to 350-375 million people.
