Sunday, October 21, 2012

Enzyme used for Cancer treatment

Video Summary:
"Using Enzymes as a Cancer Treatment" expains how pancreatic enzymes can be used for cancer treatment for patients with of cancer. The scientist in this video, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez explains how the pancreatic enzmye, named tripson, is the bodies naturalm chemical used for the fight against cancer. Although it is obviously not quite enough, it leads to an interesting means of treating cancer. If one were to have a tripson enzyme treatment, they would be subjected to a special diet, special protocol in life such as exercising and resting, and lastly would have to ingest an excess amount of the enzyme tripson. Although this is a reletively new theory, it has been tested on animals, and has proven to work in some cases.

The Relevance of this video to the world is very important, because it could be an underlying treatment for the worlds worst sickness, cancer. One of the factors that helped me pick this video is the big relevance to the first term. It talks about enzymes working to be a cure for cancer. Honors Biology just finished a lab on enzymes, so if a student from this course were to see it, it would make lot's of sense. Also it talks about cancer, as this is one of the topics that will be presented on the test tuesday. Thus since it has 2 topics of the term in one, I would like to relate this video as "Killing 2 birds with one stone."

Video Information:
Author of Video: iHealthTube on youtube
Scientist: Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez
Date Published: Published on September 27, 2012


  1. Can this treatment be used for all kinds of cancers or only certain types?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Could this treatment work for other types of sicknesses?
