Sunday, October 21, 2012

Karp Lab

 This video is about a lab that is based on the feet of lizards. Scientists have developed this new nano adhesive that can prevent bleeding after surgery and that can regrow tissue after a heart attack. This gel is also used to help ease arthritic pain and help prevent brain tumors from regrowing. It can also help with nickle allergies when applied to the skin. This lab is called the Karp lab, named after the lead scientist Jeffrey Karp. It does not focus on a specific medicine or technology, but rather on many different ones.

Relevance to Class:
 We recently have learned about the scientific method and have focused on many labs on class. This video also focuses on a lab that uses the scientific method. Jeffery Karp created a hypothesis and is now using the help of many other scientists to test it. These scientists are also using technologies, such as the microscope, that we have also learned about.

Author of Article: Ivanhoe
Date of Publication: October 20, 2012


  1. How many medical advances has this lab created?

  2. None so far, they are still testing the adhesion to make sure it is completely safe, but they believe it will make several advances once the testing is done.

  3. What other major projects has Karp gone through
