Sunday, October 21, 2012

Regenerating Gel (edible)


Popular Science Magazine/ 03-05-2012


This article, posted on Popular Science Magazine, tells of advancements made to the development of hydrogels. Hydrogels are artificial hydrophilic polymers that are used as a substitute for human tissues. Because they are hydrophilic, it allows them to be flexible and conform to the shapes that tissues in our body need to be. However, hydrogels were not able to repair itself when damaged and a simple cut or tear became a big problem. This year, scientists at the University of San Diego were able to create new hydrogels that could repair itself like authentic bio-tissue. Their secret was to add extra side chains that could attach easily to broken chains, simulating repair. Although this new hydrogels work best in acidic conditions, further research could lead to different types of self-repairing hydrogels that can be used in various areas of the body.


In class, we spent a large amount of time discussing how polymers form molecules that make up life on earth. We learned that polymers are long chains of carbon atoms that can form covalent bonds with other molecules, creating very complex materials. This article shows how modern knowledge of polymers allows us to create our own molecules. This is a great of example of how science is applied to everyday life to create new technology for humans to use.
In particular, hydrogels display a lot of hydrophilicity, or attraction to water. We learned how some materials can be hydrophilic or hydrophobic, and how these properties affect how the material is used in our bodies.


Publisher- Popular Science
Author- Clay Dillow
Date of Publication- March 5, 2012
Researchers- University of San Diego


  1. Why would you need hydrogels. Why cant your body create more tissue

    1. Hydrogels are used for medical emergencies, such as severe burns where all the tissue has been burnt off. New tissue growth by the body will be too slow to heal in time, so artificial tissues are needed to replace them. Hydrogels are also used for contact lenses, constuction explosives(Hydrogels are more common than TNT these days) and MANY other stuff. Look up hyrogel on wikipedia for a full list.
