Friday, October 12, 2012

Cell Structure and Functions

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Video Details:This video talks about the functions of a cell and helps viewers follow along as they magnify from an entire organism to a single cell. This video is relevant because it talks about the basic functions of a cell and its organelles, which is key in what this unit is about. It helps develop a general understanding about the composition of organisms and what powers the cell.

Video Information: Cells are the most basic units of life. There are two types of cells. Prokaryotes are single-celled organisms that include bacteria and some algae. They lack a membrane-bound nucleus  Eukaryotic cells make up more complelx organisms. They contain a membrane-bound nucleus.

The cell can be thought of as a mini city with organelles as the many parts making up the city. The cell membrane functions as a gate, like a fence, that allow molecules into and out of the cell. The nucleus is the control center, or capital building of the city, that tells the cell what to do. The mitochondria is like a power plant that provides energy for the cell. ATP is the energy currency of the cell. Ribosomes act as factories which change some DNA to proteins. Golgi is the post office that modifies and packages proteins. The ER are like the highways of the cell through which proteins are transported. The lysosome is the trashman of the cell and removes waste.

The two types of eukaryotic cells are plant and animal cells. Plant cells have a cell wall surrounding the membrane. In plant cells, there is one large vacuole, while in animal cells, there are a few small ones. Plant cells also contain chloroplast, where photosynthesis occurs.

Video information:

Date of Publication: 6 February 2012
Creator's Youtube Username: teabiotech
Presented by: Texas Education Agency.

Questions 1: How do cells connect with other cells and interact with each other?
Question 2: When cells die, do they decompose? If so, howso?


  1. Does every type of animal cell have every single one of these organelles? If all animal cells are all the same, are all bacteria cells the same apart from their DNA?

  2. How does a cell acquire ATP?

  3. All nucleated cells contain mitochondria, the tiny bodies where ATP is produced
