Thursday, January 17, 2013

Natural Selection Is still present.


This Article expalins that in a world where technology is driving excellence in the human race, we still cannot isolate ourselves from the elements of time, and the world. Thus Natural selection in still present in the human race. Through and analysis of four key points: Who lived beyond age 15, who got married and who didn't, how many marriages each person had (second marriages were possible only if a spouse died), and how many children were born in each marriage, data from 5923 people in finland through the years 1760 and 1849 suggested that in fact Natural selection is more present than ever before. Since this time era was decided, as by that time a healthy life could be obtained through the technology of farming, It is legitimate enough to say the majority of deaths were not influenced by starvation. That being said, the data suggests that most people dieing before the age of 15 died of a disease, thus Natural Selection favored those who were immune to the disease. Next data was collected that the stronger, more appealing humans were selected to have children and marry, thus through the data, This article proves that natural selection is still very abundant in modern life, even though we have seemed to stray from it.
This aricle is relevant to our current term because we are studying the paths and patterns of Natural selection. However I personally find it even more interesting because normally for homework, or in class we discuss how natural selection has effected species that happened to have lived many years ago, or present species that are not humans. So to have an article that relates to both us as a Human race and the topic we are studying in bio is interesting.

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