Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Evolution of Life on Earth

Video Summary:

Life began 3.8 billion years ago. The very first organisms were single-celled organisms. Later, one single-cell engulfs another, creating the first eukaryotic organisms. Those eukaryotic cells form colonies, developing multi-cellular life. Plants form and lots of animal life emerges. Soon, plants and animals go onto land and the land becomes filled with land creatures. Close to the current point of earth's history, apes split from old world monkeys forming humans and other primates.

Relevance to Class:

This video talks a lot about the evolution of life on earth over time. This connects with the study of evolution of species. The video is more broad and covers the entire range of life on earth, but can be used to understand the the results of the more in depth processes of evolution taking place on individual species.

Video Information:
Date Posted: Jun 12, 2012
Creator's Youtube Username: AsapSCIENCE

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