Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Are Humans Still Evolving?

Are Humans Still Evolving?

By Jay T Stock

2008 (which, evolutionarily, is barely a blink!)

This article is about how some people think human evolution has changed from us having pressure on us from the world and weather and other organisms, to more of us having to culturally adapt. In the past, before we were at the top of our food chain, we had to work together, hunting and scavenging for food. Physical strength and lack of abnormalities such as bad vision and deafness was what helped us survive. Nowadays, even with abnormalities, the rest of society helps you by giving you glasses or hearing aids. We have taken over the world and now we have no competition. In fact, our competition is slowly becoming ourselves. We are becoming so overpopulated that we have split cultures by countries, and with the combination of animosity towards other ethnicities and simple over-population, we are killing ourselves off. As Malfus suspected, our population has grown past our resources, and I believe we are reaching our turning point after which our population will drop.
However, even with such a drop in population, our innate tendency to "spread the wealth" which, in this case, will probably be food, will make our genetic drift randomized and it will be random selections from our gene pool that will survive. It will not be the our fitness, but more of a bottleneck effect in which we will start anew from a random selection of people who survive.


  1. why do you think those random people would survive over the others? Would they be mutated or lucky?

  2. WIth the aids to give us help, have we stopped natrual selection, and how is this different from a hardy wiendberg equilibrium
