Thursday, January 3, 2013

Gopi Rao's 2013 Blog: The Evolution of Life

The Evolution of Life

This video shows the history of the 4.5 billion year old earth in a timeline of 24 hours through clay animations. This shows the earth starting from its formation to the age of man.  Next, three simple organisms come together to become simple sea plants and animals. After, animals come onto land and start to diversify. The formation of new species with wings and the abilities to fly and swim are also formed. After a mass extinction, it shows dinosaurs and humans in the last 1 minute, showing how less time we have been walking on earth. The fact that each human life is a mere instant in earth's life shows the brief human existence on earth compared to the billions of years it took to evolve earth's life and plants. Overall it takes a long time to diversify life but it has been done and that is how we have the many species we have today. This video makes us understand how old the earth really is and how long it took life to form.

This relates to the unit we are studying because we are studying about the evolution of life and this video describes the evolution of life, except shortened. Also in previous units, we learnt about the start of life using RNA as the starting factor as it is in a single strand and it is simpler than DNA. Experiments have proven that this is the way the eukaryotes formed. Eukaryotes are simple organisms that are believed to be the start of life. We are learning all about diversification in science now and we have done  few outlines in chapter 14 about diversification ad how Charles Darwin contributed to this theory. Near the end of the video there is a picture where he is represented for the work he did.

Date Published: November 28, 2012.
Posted by: AsapSCIENCE


  1. Hi Gopi - Careful with your decimal - 4.5 billion years ago, not 45 billion. :-)

    1. Sorry about that.. all taken care of.

  2. Sup Gopi! Imma curious panda bear and was wondering what happened before life on earth first appeared? Like what was happening before then?

    1. Some scientists are speculative as to what really happened before the Earth was created. To my best knowledge, a star relatively close to us exploded, spewing out all the different elements in what was to be our solar system. Later, the dust that was formed by the supernova got together and formed smaller planets, except there were much more than four rocky planets at the time (excluding the gas bodies). These planets collided together and formed Earth, Venus, Mercury, and Mars. Scientists are speculative of the very creation of the universe itself: if you don't have a universe to start with, then there can be no stars and planets. There are some questions that we don't have the answer to yet.

  3. So...when all the mammals appear? I'm talking about the very first ones.

    1. Well Alex, the first mammals evolved from therapsids ("mammal-like reptiles") at the end of the Triassic period, and coexisted with dinosaurs throughout the Mesozoic Era. Most people think that the dinosaurs gave rise to the mammals, but the mammals existed with the dinosaurs and grew and evolved to humans as a result of the demise of the dinosaurs.
