Sunday, May 19, 2013

UW-Madison Researchers Journey Deep into the Brain Via the Science of Imaging

Researchers are using cutting-edge imaging technologies to examine the living brain. This ability to see the brain working has led not only to new knowledge about how the brain functions, but also new treatments for psychiatric disorders. Its uses so far include researching how to move past trauma, studying stress and anxiety, combining behavioral studies and imaging, studying Alzheimer's, studying prisoners, and looking for consciousness.

This term we have studied the nervous system of which the brain is a part. This article discusses the role of the hypothalamus, which we learned helps to regulate body temperature, blood pressure, hunger, thirst, and emotions. In addition, this article discusses "filters" in the brain. From what we learned in class, the thalamus sorts information going to and from the cerebral cortex. It exerts some control over what information goes from sensory receptors to the cerebrum by blocking some signals and enhancing others. Finally, imaging is used to trace neural connections between the posterior cingulate and the hippocampus, which we have learned about. The hippocampus is where memory resides and in Alzheimer's, where the plaque that distinguishes this disease can be the most damaging. All in all, this article's relevance to class lies in its discussion of specific parts of the brain.

Author: Ron Seely
Publication Date: 19 May 2013

1 comment:

  1. What imaging technologies are used to see inside the living brain?
