Sunday, May 19, 2013

Faulty Energy Production In Brain Cells Leads To Learning Disabilities

Date: 5/18/13
Author: Sarah Glynn

In recent studies, there has been some evidence towards the fact that irregular mitochondria could lead to learning disabilities. Basically, not having enough energy produced by the mitochondria leads to a lowered amount of neuron cells that have the energy to transport signals throughout the brain. The decreased signals means that there will not be the connections that are required for learning to take place. Also, the article focused on the levels of energy in the context of Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's attacks the CNS and makes the person unable to do things requiring movement. Again, because the mitochondria don't produce enough energy for neurons to use, obviously there would be problems involving signals being sent throughout the brain.

Relevance to Class:
Last unit we learned about the nervous system, which is what this article is about.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wouldn't dysfunctional mitochondria affect the whole body and not just the brain?
