Sunday, May 19, 2013

Lung Cander Drug Trial Underway

Lung Cancer Drug 

Trial Underway

By Leanne Quinn

Video Link:
Author: Jocelyn Mamita
Published: 11 April 2013

At the Smilow Cancer Hosptial at Yale-New Haven Hospital, Dr. Mortensztern and Sarah Goldberg are at the head of the investigation of a new cancer drug. This drug has been designed for people with stage four small cell lung cancer, and is hoped to increased the survival rate amongst those who suffer from it. The drug includes two standard cancer treatment drugs, as well as a third one called DM1. It is administer to patients through IV. The doctors believe it will have fewer side affects then previous treatments. This drug is still under trial and is not yet available for everyone.

During our last unit, we learned about the structure and function of the respiratory system. The respiratory system takes in oxygen and gets rid of carbon dioxide, a waste product of the cells. Cells need oxygen for cell respiration. A major component of this system is the lungs. Lung cancer destroys your lungs, decreasing or completely eliminating the effectiveness of the lungs to do their job in the respiratory system. Also, in a previous unit, we learned about cancer cells and how they multiply due to out of control mitosis.

1 comment:

  1. Is there an approximate date for the end of the trial and when the drug will be available?
