Thursday, March 7, 2013

Wasp Flowers

Wasp Flowers

Video Info:
Date of Publication/latest update: 2013
Publisher: BBC

In the warmer parts of Europe there are certain orchids that have figured out a good way to spread their pollen. The orchids look very similar to female wasps. They have blue patches similar to the wings of female wasps as well as fur that is similar to the fur that covers a wasp's abdomen. They also produce the same identifying perfume that a female wasp makes. This draws in male wasps, and as the bee investigates the orchid, the flower's pollen carrier becomes attached to the bee's head. When the bee flies away and encounters another flower of the same species  some of that pollen rubs off onto the new flower. Through this process, the flowers are able to spread their pollen and become fertilized.

In our current unit we are studying the structures of plants and their purposes. This video demonstrates the way the flower can manipulate animals into spreading their pollen by using the flower. We investigated the flower during our last lab as well as the video we watched in class.


  1. Cool video! Do you know if wasps are colorblind? If so, does this affect the plant's coloring at all?

  2. What is the "pollen carrier" that you mentioned? (:

    1. Hi Valerie, they are bundle of pollen called pollinia.
