Thursday, March 7, 2013

Carl Lang Biomedia Term 3

Article:  Key Developmental Mechanism in Plants Explained for First Time 

Source: Science Daily News. 

Connection By: Carl Lang

Summary: A team of researchers for the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory have uncovered the operation of a mechanism in plants called Homeobox genes. the genes need to be active in order for stem cells to maintain their non specialized status. When the stem cells are needed to develop into special structures such as stem or leaf cells, the Homeobox genes are switched off, and specialization can begin. without these genes plants would just be a varying sized blob of non specific cells. 

Connection: This connects to our current unit on the life cycle of plants. While this article seems to go a little more in depth in terms of the growth and development of plants, the principle of sporophyte an gametophyte life cycles still apply.

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